My friend Meggie pointed me to a blog post (via Twitter!) that was titled the same thing as my blog post right now.** And it got me thinking...
This women's post was fabulous. Amazing. I loved that she did it. And I wanted to do it too. I have so many things that I love. Sometimes it helps just to list them out. So I did, and they are in no particular order:
- Ice, cold Diet Cokes
- My ever-present companions - heating blankets at night, protectors by day, snoring little mischievious devils - Bobo and Tucker
- Things that are made in crockpots
- Starbucks - standard Skinny Vanilla Latte order, and the seasonal specialties of Pumpkin Spice and White Chocolate Peppermint
- The invention of DVR
- Wine - red, white, I don't discriminate
- Candles that smell like Christmas
- Dryer sheets
- Advil, ibuprofen, Tylenol - all the drugs that make my legs work after 13.1 miles
- iPods and their playlists - especially the totally embarrassing songs by Miley Cyrus and Justin Beiber
- Friends - the ones that push me out of my comfort zone, and the ones that catch me afterwards
- Frozen Yogurt
- Delta Gamma - I love the women that are my sisters forever
- My parents - they are always there - enough said
- Blue Moon, Leinenkeugel, Gumballhead....and their friends Bud, Miller, and Coors
- My iPhone - I don't know how I existed before it
- Flip flops
Who knows - maybe tomorrow there will be another set of things that I <3. I feel like this should be a never-ending list.
**My apologies to the original blogger....I can't remember where I found you! Meggie - point it out if you know what I am talking about!