Monday, October 11, 2010

Less Than Three

For those of you that don't know, less than three is the long way of saying "love."  It's computer speak.  It's shorthand - <3.  A heart.
My friend Meggie pointed me to a blog post (via Twitter!) that was titled the same thing as my blog post right now.**  And it got me thinking...

This women's post was fabulous.  Amazing.  I loved that she did it.  And I wanted to do it too.  I have so many things that I love.  Sometimes it helps just to list them out.  So I did, and they are in no particular order:
  • Ice, cold Diet Cokes
  • My ever-present companions - heating blankets at night, protectors by day, snoring little mischievious devils - Bobo and Tucker
  • Things that are made in crockpots
  • Starbucks - standard Skinny Vanilla Latte order, and the seasonal specialties of Pumpkin Spice and White Chocolate Peppermint
  • The invention of DVR
  • Wine - red, white, I don't discriminate
  • Candles that smell like Christmas
  • Dryer sheets
  • Advil, ibuprofen, Tylenol - all the drugs that make my legs work after 13.1 miles
  • iPods and their playlists - especially the totally embarrassing songs by Miley Cyrus and Justin Beiber
  • Friends - the ones that push me out of my comfort zone, and the ones that catch me afterwards
  • Frozen Yogurt
  • Delta Gamma - I love the women that are my sisters forever
  • My parents - they are always there - enough said
  • Blue Moon, Leinenkeugel, Gumballhead....and their friends Bud, Miller, and Coors
  • My iPhone - I don't know how I existed before it
  • Flip flops
I think that sometimes I forget that the littlest things in life can really make me smile.  These are the things (big or small) that totally make my day.  I'm going to try harder to make sure that I take more time to notice these things.

Who knows - maybe tomorrow there will be another set of things that I <3.  I feel like this should be a never-ending list.

**My apologies to the original blogger....I can't remember where I found you!  Meggie - point it out if you know what I am talking about!

5 Days Until 13.1

That's right.

5 more days until I run the 13.1 miles that I have been training for.  By this time on Saturday night, I'll have 13 more miles on my shoes, a little more soreness in my body, and hopefully a beer in hand.

I waiver between confidence and fear.  I have done this before so I know that I can physically do it.  And despite the fact that I feel like I might not have trained as well as I could have, I know that I did 10 miles 2 weeks ago.

13 isn't that much more than 10....

But there is that sneaky little guy that sometimes lurks in the background of everything I do....he's dark and mysterious and always catches me when I am down.  Self-doubt doesn't hide.  It rears its head whenever I wish it would go far, far away.

I look up to so many runners in my life that do so much more than 13 miles.  I KNOW that I can do this.  If I can cheer them on, I can cheer myself on.

I can do this.

I can do this.

I can do this.

I will do this.