Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The "Splitting" In Splitting Up

There's a lot that has to happen as you separate your life from someone else's.  Granted, we didn't own property or have joint bank accounts, but there is still plenty of stuff that needs to be taken care of/divided up/dealt with.

I planned for that.  I knew some of it wouldn't be easy.  Dogs had to be talked about, cellphones unjoined, furniture divided.  There's the uncomfortable discussion about bills that remained to be paid.  I even thought about Facebook, and how we actually weren't "linked" in a relationship on the social network.  It was a relief to not think about flooding everyone's News Feed with "Liz is no longer in a relationship."

However, I didn't plan for the disintegration of our "social" friendships.  I was unfriended on Facebook yesterday, and it was shocking and sort of hurt.  I discovered it purely by chance, a perfect mesh of timing.  

**To be honest, I didn't discover it at all, a friend did....

What's the appropriate response to that?  Obviously I can't do anything about it, but it is one of those things that I wonder about the etiquette.  Is unfriending the ex a standard?  What's the timeframe on it?  Is it ever appropriate for either party to re-friend?

I respect the idea that this might be part of his grieving process.  Part of the way he is also separating things out of his life.  And I want to make that process easy on him, or at least make it not painful.  But it doesn't mean I was prepared for this.  I am so curious about the thought process and reasoning behind it.

So many questions.  Just not so many answers.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

It's All About the Energy


It's something that I never thought a lot about.  I mean, I've said "I have no energy" or "I feel energized," but I don't know if I have thought about it in different ways.

That changed a little bit this weekend.  Saturday morning was when it all started.  I did another group training run with Team in Training.  I was really, really nervous about the run because it was the first true "long" run - 1 hour.  I didn't necessarily know if I would be able to do it.  I was okay with walking if I needed to, but I still didn't have tons of confidence.  (A big problem - and a post for another day).

Upon arrive at the Leukemia and Lymphoma offices for the run, I ran into an old friend from DePauw.  One of the first things in my head was the memory of how much great energy she always has.  Just that great feeling that exudes off of her body - it's something that I wish I had.  It inspired me to run hard on Saturday morning, and I felt thankful that I had run into her.

Sunday led to another great "energy" experience.  An good friend was in the neighborhood and called me out of the blue for lunch.  Excited, I hurried to meet her.  One of the big things about Katrina is the new energy and calm that just pours out of her.  She has made a lot of changes in her life (better diet, more exercise, different work load), but one of the biggest things that I attribute this new energy off of her is from a class that she took called "Breaking Through."  I honestly don't know a lot about it, but I can tell you one thing - it has truly changed the way that Katrina looks at life.

Our other friend, Nicole, joined us at lunch and Katrina was very excited to ask us to take the class.  Nicole is on her own journey right now, and she definitely is trying to break out of the norm.  I am just ready to spread my wings and learn more about myself.  Because of these things, Katrina was pretty sure that we needed to take this class.  After some discussion, and a little trepidation, Nicole and I have signed up for the class.  I am not sure how I feel about it (there was a part of the application that required me to verify I wasn't pregnant.  What are we doing that pregnant women cannot do!?).

I'm looking forward to seeing what the class has to offer.  If it provides me some new friendships, or even a clearer insight to my own needs, it is probably worth it.  If I can have the type of energy that Katrina has, it would be a miracle.  Nervously, I am worried about having to trust fall (clearly an issue, as I don't trust fall).  I can't imagine a better friend to experience something like this with, so I am cautiously optimistic. 

But you might want to tune in and see how I feel August 24th (the day before the class starts....).

Saturday, June 26, 2010

It's A Dog's Life

If you know me (as in, we have chatted for more than 7 minutes), you know that a big part of my life are my children (i.e. my dogs).  I am pretty sure that I am probably one of those annoying people that talk about their dogs at random times, act like they are people (doesn't your dog like certain tv shows?), and make life decisions and plans around their schedule.

I get it - I'm like a cat lady.  But with dogs.

However, no matter your opinion on it, it is what it is.  And they are a huge part of my life.  So moving was definitely a big concern.  Would it ruin their routine?  Could they handle being in their crate for a whole workday?  Would they understand that they could no longer just run out the doggy door to the backyard? 

**The answer is no.  Tucker ran into the sliding glass door twice.  He's adorable, but I am concerned about the brain damage....

9 days in - how do I feel?  Well, pretty good actually.  They are doing great (although I hope that my neighbors feel the same way).  They seem to be adjusting to our new walking schedule, they love the dog park on site, and I think that Bo gets a kick out sitting in one chair and seeing me in most of the house (perk of a 1 bedroom apartment).  For all the worrying I did, they seem to be okay.

Is it weird that I devoted a whole post to them?  Maybe.  But what I am discovering in this journey is that I have a lot of "things" in my life, but not a lot of ideas about how I prioritize them.  My other fear?  Coming home to no one.  But what is always important to me, and always excited to see me as I walk in the door?  Bo and Tucker.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Uncharted Territory

Okay, so maybe the title here is a little dramatic.  However, it's very, very true for me - dating is completely uncharted waters for me.

As noted earlier, my last relationship lasted a long time (longer than most hamsters live).  And although I dated in high school - that's not really adult dating.  And college - well, college dating should be in its own category for so many reasons.  Here are a few:

  • "Dates" are almost always on campus.
  • You can usually pay the bill with your ID Card.
  • Going back to someone's house involves a fraternity, and sometimes a cold dorm (if you don't know what those are, be thankful.).
  • Once you are officially "together," it's pretty rare that you continue to do the "dating."  Basically, you live like college students and promise to go home together after the bar closes.
Even after college, my previous boyfriend and I rarely "dated."  And let's be honest - I think I paid the bill as frequently as he did.

**Important side note - I am completely a modern girl.  I don't mind paying or splitting.  But there is something to be said for feeling taken care of or treated special every now and again!

So, now the uncharted territory makes a little more sense.  I haven't done this.  I haven't given cute boys my number, or gone on dates, or worried about how the after-dinner kiss will be.

It makes me really nervous.  I am not good in new situations - I get wrapped up in trying to be appealing/perfect/etc.... and then I get awkward.  And what if conversation runs out!?  What's a go-to topic?  Clearly, according to this news clipping (circa 1955), I should not talk about my dress.  Got it.  I am a preparer, but I do get that notecards would be weird (or would they....).

So I hem and haw and wait.  Inevitably my first date will be painfully awkward, but maybe after the first one, I'll at least have some idea of how it is all supposed to go.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Just Keep....Running

In the midst of all the packing and moving, I haven't forgotten about my other big project - training for the Indianapolis Half Marathon in October.  To be really honest, there has been a day or two during the past week where I probably would have just given up the plan.

I tend to give things up easily when they relate directly to me.  If it's for other people, for work, even for my dogs...I'll stick it out to the end.  But things that are just for me, or to make me healthier/better/etc... - well, those sometimes fall by the wayside in order to accomplish the other goals.

But, this time there is a bigger driver behind my training for a half marathon.  This time I am running to help raise money for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  Team in Training is already proving to be an amazing experience.  I missed the group run on Saturday (due to the move), but I met with Ali at the LLS offices to talk fundraising.  The whole organization is so friendly and helpful - they want you to succeed and fulfill both your monetary and personal goals.  I also ran into another "team member" at the Running Company, and it was just so nice to recognize someone!  I'm definitely meeting new people by doing this.

So why would I be at a point of giving up you ask?  Well, two reasons.  One - it's really easy for me to have excuses (usually the dogs) to not go running.  That's a lot easier now with no one helping to share in the care for them.  I feel bad leaving them even more to go run.  I've gotten over that though.  Today was their first day home "alone" in the new place, and they seem to have done great.  (However, I am looking for a dog walker, so please send suggestions my way!)

The second reason is....the humidity!  I have been trying to run after work, and that is not working.  It is so warm by 5pm, and I have not been hydrating enough during the day.  It makes for really terrible runs after work.  So I am going to try a few new times over the next few days to see how things go.

I am really inspired by the team and by actually running for a cause.  When I think about not going for a training run, I check out my donation page.  I am 35% to my goal - so I would not only be letting the LLS down, but also all of these people that are supporting me!

So, despite everything and all my own negative thoughts, I keep running.

(And 35% isn't 100% - so take a moment to donate!  It will make you feel really, really good and you get one of these adorable thank you cards! *Courtesy of Katie Q Designs*)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Moving Day!

Well, I think the title says it all!  Today was Moving Day!  But let's back up a little....

My mom and dad arrived on schedule and were angels sent from Parents 'R Us.  Dad waited for the cable/internet guy, put together a new coffee table (pictured) and 2 new end tables, and moved box after box to the garbage or Goodwill.  Mom was a master packer and got my kitchen packed in a matter of hours.  (There was a reason I didn't do anything in there...)  And together they spoiled me and took me out to dinner!

Saturday arrived with....RAIN.  I couldn't believe it.  Just as I was trying to figure out how to keep most of my possessions dry, the skies opened up and cleared!  And, thanks to the manly men helping me move (Vince, Alex, David, and my Dad), we literally got the truck packed, moved, and unpacked in 90 minutes.  Not kidding - it was pretty much what felt like a world record. 

So, here I am....Saturday night and pretty much moved in.  My bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom are completely setup.  My living room is setup, with boxes surrounding it with all the stuff I haven't quite found a home for yet.  The dogs will arrive home tomorrow, and get then they will get to explore their new home for the first time.  The panic I was feeling a few days ago about all my "stuff" has started to go away.  I think it *might* all actually fit!

I'm exhausted - so pictures will have to wait.  I kind of want to get rid of more boxes before the apartment's big reveal!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

T-Minus 2 Days Until "The Move"

The week has been a busy one.  This is the "big week" - only 2 more days before I officially move and live by myself for the first time.  On top of that, I am trying to keep up with my Team in Training runs.  Oh, and have I mentioned it's about 98% humidity??  (It would be since I have to move!)

I have been having mixed feelings about moving out.  I loved this townhome.  I loved the backyard for Bo and Tucker.  And I especially loved the SPACE.  A three bedroom townhouse was maybe excessive originally, but now I love having all the space.  Officially, the panic has set in that I have too much stuff for my new tiny space.

My parents arrive tomorrow, and thank goodness for that.  I need my mom to help pack and my dad to entertain the pups so they aren't underfoot!  But more than anything, I need the calm that they bring with them.  I think the pups are wondering what is going on here....they certainly could afford to help pack a little bit more!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Team in Training

Earlier I mentioned Team in Training.  After the whole "cleansing my life" decision, it's the first thing that I decided to do that the "Old Liz" (OL) probably wouldn't have done.

As part of moving on, I knew that I needed to stay busy and try new things.  It's been over a year since I did the Geist Half Marathon, and I loved the feeling of accomplishment that I had after completing it.  But I did a walk/run combo, and I didn't exactly finish feeling great physically.  So I never really thought about doing another half marathon.

In talking with a friend/co-worker, I was reinvigorated to start running again.  Being totally self-absorbed here - I loved the way I looked when I was training!  So why not start again?  (Have to get back in the singles scene, right?)  And I also mentioned that I possibly wanted to do some volunteering.  Thank goodness for smart friends!  She suggested joining The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Team in Training.  A great conversation and a little research later, I was signed up to run the Indianapolis Half Marathon in October.

So far, it seems great.  My goal is to raise $1500 is support of LLS, and actually run the whole race (not walk/run) this time.  The LLS does a ton of work to support both my training goal and my fundraising goal.  In order to help ensure you feel ready, they provide a coach, mentor, and team to train with.

My first group training run was Saturday.  Here in town, it was approximately 80 degrees and 99% humidity by the time the 7am start rolled around.  My thought?  "I'm going to die."  Well, I didn't!  And I am truly excited about doing more and more running with the group.  I think that they are going to be a great motivator for the whole training program.

So - there's the second part of the blog name.  You, my faithful readers, will be following me through this running journey, as well as the exploration of single life.  The best way to support this single girl is to laugh through the stories of hitting the new life.  But the best way to support my running and the LLS?  Contribute!  Seriously, please consider donating to the LLS and my TNT goal.  You can use this link, and continue to follow my training right here on the blog!

Single....and Loving It?

It's official.  I'm single.

I get that the statement above isn't really that special.  But it's pretty life-changing for me.  I have been with the same person for 6.5 years, and my decision to end the relationship wasn't an easy one.  We live (lived?) together for the past 3 years, and had been making life decisions as a couple for what feels like forever.

I agonized over what I was doing, the whole time knowing that I was making the right decision.  And after I verbalized "I'm unhappy," the ball of "being single" started rolling.  So now, I am single, 25, and embarking on a really big new journey.

Everything is going to be new.  I've never lived alone.  I've never been on a real date (high school and college no longer count).  In 6 years, I have never made a decision that was all about me.  And all of a sudden, I am only making decisions for me.

Everyone asks how I am doing.  And I appreciate it.  But the best way to explain how I feel is to liken it to a graduation.   Graduations are always so bittersweet.  You've just had the best 4 years of your life, and then you have to say goodbye to all of it.  But the experiences and opportunities in front of you are always so exciting.  That's how I feel.  I love my memories, but I know that there is so much more out there for me.

During the whole process, it became clear that I needed to do a few things for me.  After many, many suggestions from my friends, I landed on my 1st decision:  Team in Training.  I decided that I would join The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Team in Training group.  What better way than to start a fresh life than with getting myself in shape while helping others?

So, here it goes.  I rented my first apartment alone.  I am packing and moving out of "our" home in the next 7 days.  The pups and I are off to new adventures.  Want to join in?  Keep an eye on the blog!  Follow me through half marathon training, moving, dating, and new adventures.  I promise it won't be boring!

Single....and Loving It?  Correction: Single - and definitely loving it.